September 16, 2024

Letter: Ullom suffering from revolving principals

I'm hoping for a response from any other concerned source. Is this really how the Clark County School District operates -- robbing Peter to pay Paul?

My three children have gone to J.M. Ullom Elementary since 1987-88. We have had six principals in nine years, five of whom were there for one school year or less. How come our children, parents and staff are so unimportant to the CCSD? We seem to get all the coasters-into-retirement or the ones who use our school as a stepping stone to a better or newer school.

We finally got a principal last school year who put heart and soul into the school, mingled with the kids and solved every problem, big or small. We had new teachers, excited to come the next year, and other teachers, deciding to stay, directly as a result of the principal's great efforts last year.

Then, in one night, without any warning, our principal was removed and given to Boulder City because of the death of their principal. Why must our children in East Las Vegas suffer at the hands of political muscle? Mark my words, the next replacement will not stay for more than one year. They wonder why we don't feel the urgency to support any new bonds.

Brenda Arnold
