Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Quit smoking

Actions that can help a cigarette smoker quit, as provided by the American Cancer Society:

* EVALUATION: Ask yourself why and when do I smoke? Have I tried to quit? Why didn't I succeed?

* PLAN: Talk to a pharmacist or other health care professional about a quitting strategy that will work best with your individual smoking habits. Explore several options.

* COMMUNICATE: Tell friends, family and co-workers of your plans to quit. Ask for their help and seek their support.

* SUPPORT: Find an ex-smoker who can relate to what you are going through and can offer assistance.

* METHODS: They include quitting cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapy such as gum and patches or gradually quitting by reducing cigarettes smoked daily over a period of time.

* PROGRAMS: Before setting a quit-smoking date, enroll in a support program through the American Cancer Society.

* REMOVAL: Get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters from your home, office, car and clothes. Also, remove all odors that remind you of smoking.

* AVOIDANCE: Plan nonsmoking activities. If you normally smoke when you go to a restaurant or bar, ask friends to remind you not to light up.

* REMINDERS: Occasionally remind yourself why you quit smoking. It will help keep you on track.

* REWARDS: For every day you don't smoke, reward yourself.
