September 16, 2024

Letter: Adamsen deservedly won a clean race for council

Councilman Arnie Adamsen, "the people's choice," has won another well-deserved term to serve us on our City Council.

He and his challengers -- Umnuss, Brna and Lenz -- are all to be commended for running a clean campaign and avoiding the mudslinging. I respect the three challengers, all good citizens who fought the good fight.

I'm an Adamsen supproter. Nevertheless, I'm honest and objective enough to admit that Ed Koch, SUN reporter for the story, is right when he said, "... combined, the three people who challenged ... Adamsen ... would have made one pretty formidable opponent."

However, we Adamsen supporters look to the future when the next mayor of Las Vegas will be "the people's choice," Arnie Adamsen!

Clyde Dinkins
