September 16, 2024

Mining association sues BLM

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., charges that the new regulations were issued without the opportunity for those affected by the regulations to comment publicly, as required by federal law.

"The mining industry is outraged that the BLM promulgated these rules without meaningful and timely public participation as required by the Administrative Procedure Act and other federal laws," association Executive Director Laura Skaer told the Elko Daily Free Press.

Interior published the new bonding regulations Feb. 28, and Nevada's lawmakers and the Nevada Legislature have gone on record since in opposition to them.

The association, with 2,900 members in 42 states, is represented in the suit by Mountain States Legal Foundation, a non-profit, public interest legal center.

The association announced the lawsuit Monday and was joined on Tuesday by the Minerals Exploration Coalition, the Colorado Mining Association, the Montana Mining Association and the Utah Mining Association.
