September 16, 2024

Where You Stand for May 15, 1997

North Las Vegas Assemblyman Morse Arberry should be commended for courageously introducing a bill which would abolish the Clark County Family Court. When anything performs as poorly as Family Court has in this county, it makes good sense to discard it entirely and start over. This would also solve the Family Court judges' complaints regarding pay equity.

Name withheld

I read about two photographers hounding Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. They hit Arnold's Mercedes and even shoved an employee at the school where Arnold was taking their son. Last week they turned themselves in, expecting possible felony charges and - I would add - not wanting to take any chances that Arnold would be able to catch up to them and say, "Hasta la vista, baby."

Chris Urago

What I have in mind is in the obituary column there are veterans passing away and it would be very nice if we had a small American flag next to the name to designate that these people served their country - men and women - honorably. I think it would be a very nice gesture on the part of the newspaper to signify as such.

Stanley J. Spierer

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