Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter: Unions brought about benefits workers are currently enjoying

Having worked for a railroad and as a member of Railway Mechanics of America, one of the gains made because of the union negotiating was going from a six-day work week to a five-day week without loss of income.

In addition, we've gone from three paid holidays to twelve; one week of vacation to five; medical and hospital coverage for family members in the event of illness or injury and not being able to work; 80 percent of income for one year; better working conditions and pay increases, etc.

My father-in-law worked for a bakery and was a member of the Teamsters union. Upon his retirement, he collected a union pension and health and hospital insurance that supplemented his Social Security and Medicare.

His last two years, he had a larger medical expense. But because of his union's insurance, he had but a minimal amount to pay.

To those that feel and think that unions are not in part the reasons for the better working conditions and benefits provided by our understanding employers who also wants to see us have a better life, please reconsider your feelings.

Tony Lese
