September 12, 2024

Plenty of flesh on display in 'Midnight Fantasy'

"Midnight Fantasy" is an Anita Mann production at the Luxor, performing nightly except Tuesday, with an extra midnight performance on Saturdays. The cast consists of seven female dancers and two female dancer/singers. All nine are attractive, shapely and talented, plus one exceptional novelty act, incredible juggler Anthony Gaddo, who literally grew up performing in Las Vegas showrooms.

There is a huge clock centerpiece which is actually a screen through which the various performers entered and departed, plus steps, an essential, and excellent use of lighting effects. The costumes were becoming, mostly minimal or easily shed. There were chimes and voice-overs that sounded like they might be the beginning of one of those 900-line sex-talk phone calls but, I assume, stop well short of that point.

The first scene was Egyptian, with elaborate costumes, utilizing all nine women. This led into a "Fever" segment with sexy nurses costumes, three musical numbers and a nurse-to-nurse scene. It was time for a disco number after a voice-over with the ensemble in different colored G-strings, open feather vests and neon-colored wigs. The music was hot and the audience responded accordingly.

More double-entendre voice-over, this time setting up a rodeo scene with an effective audience participation number led by Charidy Sullivan LaFontaine singing "Why Haven't I Heard From You?" The ensemble then appeared in red ultra-suede chaps, red G-strings and red cowboy hats. That's it.

Another voice-over and we were in a "Black Velvet" number with Sullivan LaFontaine in a revealing black gown, the dancers in black gloves and black G-strings, plus ingenious use of black elastic bands.

The star spot went to Gaddo, who has matured and certainly can match Indian clubs, rings and balls with any juggler in the business today. There was a comely young female assistant. This was the best received segment in the entire show.

Back to the voice-over and an "Erotica" solo number by lead dancer Jennifer Young. Another voice-over and the scene became a corporate board room with the ensemble in blue pinstripe suits, which eventually break away to black bustiers and jewels. Sullivan LaFontaine, whose vocals are all live, sings "Leave Your Hat On" as the girls doffed their mannish attire. A strong segment.

Time for a finale, voice-over, of course, and the nine females in angel wings, a "heavenly" sequence, then bows and introductions.

Betsy Alletzhauser is the other singer/dancer. Georgia Bernasek is also a lead dancer. The other dancers are Dejah Juarez, Lisa Leieritz, Stacy Lyons, Jennifer Rohlman and Shannon Seil.

Good taste and excellent performance and production values notwithstanding, we still had in-your-face T&A from start to finish. Just a little subtlety, a touch of humor would have mitigated it somewhat. It did help us older guys that this midnight fantasy started at 10 p.m.
