September 19, 2024

Metro officers given awards for heroism

Metro Police officers who were involved in the arrest of a suspect in the shootings in an Albertson's store that killed six employees, officers who rescued residents during the July 8 flash flood that caused millions of dollars in damage, and officers who showed heroism during other events in the Las Vegas Valley were commended by Sheriff Jerry Keller Tuesday.

Sgts. Barry Oaks, Brett Zimmerman, Officers Daniel Bernal, Christopher Catanese, Michael Cruz, Alan Dong, John Farrell, Laurence Gibson, Roger Haskins, Douglas Huffmaster, Steven Junge, Darren Letchworth, Scott Mees, Bryan Miller, Scott Murray, Hector Navarro, Darren Paul, Peter Rossi, Andrew Tedesco, Shawn Thomas and K-9 Breston were awarded the Unit Medal of Valor for their acts of bravery on June 3 when responding to a call that a man armed with a shotgun was firing shots inside an Albertson's grocery store.

As the gunman ran out of the store, he saw the officers and then ran back inside, the commendation notes. The officers surrounded the store, and when the suspect ran outside again seconds later, several began negotiating.

The other officers formed a rescue team and entered the store, where they rescued those who had been injured. The gunman surrendered after eight minutes of negotiation.

Zane Floyd was arrested and now faces murder charges.

Communications Bureau Personnel, including supervisor Michele Jones, specialists Leslie Bitryk, Jennifer Blasko, Cynthia Charles, Shellie Clark, Patricia DeMarco, Melody Marvin, Cathy Mouton and operator Shannon Zoellick, received the Unit Exemplary Service award for their efforts during the call to dispatch units to the Albertson's. The communications workers realized the call was not a typical robbery and ensured that pertinent information was obtained from the caller, the commendation says.

The July 8 flood also brought out the heroism in Metro officers.

Lt. Dennis Thompson received the Exemplary Service Award for single-handedly activating the Clark County Emergency Operations Center July 8 when he realized a major storm front was heading toward Las Vegas. Because of his efforts the center was fully activated for the coordination of all rescue, response and mitigation activities when the storm hit.

Lt. Dwight Mahan and Officers Rick Servoss and Bill Cassell, members of the Air 3 Crew Metro Search and Rescue, received the Unit Medal of Valor for rescuing two people who were trapped in a truck that had stalled and was being overtaken by flood waters.

The crew performed a series of near-skid landings on the truck in order to rescue the occupants. The maneuvers took place in rain and lightning and required an intense amount of skill and crew coordination.

Air 5 crew members of Metro Search and Rescue, Sgt. Michael Petricka, Officers Gary Casper, Mark Baumann and Ernest P. Brown and search and rescue volunteer Jay M. Bernstein received the Unit Medal of Valor when they rescued five people who were in danger of drowning in flood waters. They too worked in hazardous weather conditions.

Officer William Schmitt received the Medal of Honor for rescuing the driver of a vehicle that was being swept away by raging flood water. Schmitt tried to reach the person with his patrol car, but because of the current he could not get close enough. He then asked for assistance from two heavy equipment workers who were operating a tractor with a front end bucket. Schmitt and one of the tractor operators got into the bucket while the other operator maneuvered the tractor into the water. From the bucket Schmitt then pulled the driver out of the vehicle's rear passenger window.

Sgt. Kenneth Caldwell and Officer Darin Garness of Air 4 Crew of Metro Search and Rescue received the Unit Meritorious Service award for their flights in the rough weather. Caldwell and Garness flew radio technicians to repeater sites that had been struck by lightning and needed immediate repairs. They flew reconnaissance missions for the Emergency Operations Center during the height of the storm and later ferried emergency management assessors and local, state and federal representatives so heavily damaged areas could be identified.

Workers who met the challenges of other recent crises also received awards.
