September 16, 2024

Editorial: Proceed cautiously with plans for site

We encourage any redevelopment effort that helps make downtown Las Vegas a hub of vibrant commercial and residential activity. But it is not wise for the city to rush into anything that could have a detrimental impact on taxpayers.

The city has reached a tentative agreement for a 61-acre downtown parcel owned by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. While good things may come from this property we would discourage any proposed development that would pinch taxpayers, particularly those on fixed incomes. The city must also make sure that the property is environmentally safe, given the fact Union Pacific Railroad used to dump diesel fuel there.

Redevelopment has done wonders in downtowns throughout the country. It would be a mistake, however, to rush into development of the Lehman property without complete input from the public. If special interests get involved, make them shoulder the brunt of the financial burden.
