September 16, 2024

Letter: Wynn's next project destined for greatness

The Dunes was always a failure. Look what Steve Wynn did with that property!

Other developers, after observing Wynn's success, have developed properties that have also become successful. Thousands of new employees, new homes and new businesses are the result of Wynn's vision.

Perhaps Knott is right about the Monte Carlo Room, but it is in a facility that was always a failure. You can bet that Steve Wynn will include restaurants that are as good or better in his new creation.

I feel bad about the perimeter homeowners who would like to stay. I hope a compromise solution can be worked out.

I consider Wynn a creative genius comparable to Walt Disney, although more "hands on." Without interference from stockholders, he will no doubt build fabulous facilities on the Desert Inn property that will be enjoyed by millions for years to come.

