Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Give military top priority on the airwaves

Regarding the Aug. 16 story, "Pentagon fights for piece of sky":

To think that "computer geeks" would put their e-mail, chat rooms, eBay, and satellite-linked road maps ahead of the security and safety of the country, (and, yes, even the entire free world), is shocking and disgusting. However, one shouldn't be shocked considering their mentality. So long as they have their electronic toys, the rest of the world can "go to hell."

The airwaves are, and have been for too long, far too cluttered with the senseless garbage that the industry and its users want to produce, solicit, distribute and log on to.

I sincerely hope that none of them are ever threatened by an enemy invasion that could have been averted had the airwaves not been contaminated.

I opt for security and safety through an armed defense system. Leave the military airwaves alone. They are priority number one.

