Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Nevada slams teachers again

I cannot believe that the state of Nevada is stabbing teachers in the back yet again. It is almost impossible to believe that the money doesn't exist for the ever-so-slight 3 percent, one-time bonus that teachers -- such as myself -- were to receive.

Three percent would in no way, shape or form provide much relief from the ever increasing utility bills and the general cost of living. Now there isn't enough money for even that small amount. Did the other state workers who were to receive their bonus recently have their bonus reduced? Why doesn't the state of Nevada lower the new teacher-signing bonus. Most of the teachers who will receive the signing bonus will not stay in Nevada. They will go back "home" within three years after getting their foot in the educational door in Nevada and picking up a nice little bonus besides. That money would be better spent rewarding teachers who "stick it out" in Nevada.

I am amazed that professionals with an average of 4 to 6 years of education are not worth more money. Many of us are also struggling to pay off student loans from post-graduate education. Isn't it odd that education is one of the few fields where the employer doesn't help pick up the tab for furthering an employee's education? Most employers pay employees while they're receiving training. Schoolteachers must return to school on their own time and at their own expense. It's not fair that teachers are again going without.

