September 20, 2024

Nevada unemployment claims drop

CARSON CITY -- Nevadans who filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week dropped to 3,298, the lowest number since the Sept. 11 attack.

"Hopefully the economy has turned around," says Birgit Baker, administrator of the state Division of Employment Security that released the figures Tuesday.

The 3,298 figure is 462 less claims than the week before. Compared to the same week in 2001, that was 14 percent higher in new claims. That percentage is slowly declining since it hit a high of 80 percent higher new claims.

But the jobless picture is still grim compared to a year ago. There were 41,230 people drawing benefits, or 69 percent more than a year ago.

Baker said at one time there were 85 percent more claimants drawing their checks than a year ago.

The division paid out $9 million in claims last week, down from $9.3 million of the week before and $9.5 million during the week ending Feb. 1.

Baker said the payouts are higher than expected but "not enough to jeopardize the solvency level of the trust fund." She estimated it would be above $400 million when the solvency measurement is made Sept. 30.
