Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Cup Finale

Thursday's first-round results from the U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Cup Finale at the MGM Grand Garden Arena:

Bareback riding: 1. Clint Corey (Powell Butte, Ore.), 90 points on Sankey Rodeo's Exotic Trail, $3,916.67; 2. Wes Stevenson (Kaufman, Texas), 88, $2,937.50; 3. Lan LaJeunesse (Morgan, Utah), 86, $1,958.33; and 4/5. Scott Montague (Wall, S.D.), and Pete Hawkins (Weatherford, Texas), 85, $489.58 each.

Steer wrestling: 1. Joey Bell Jr. (Salem, N.J.), 3.7 seconds, $3,916.67; 2. Randy Suhn (Riverton, Wyo.), 4.1, $2,937.50; 3. Rod Lyman (Victor, Mont.), 4.3, $1,958.33; and 4/5. Birch Negaard (Buffalo, S.D.), and Curtis Cassidy (Donalda, Alberta), 4.4, $489.58 each.

Team roping: 1. David Key (Ledbetter, Texas)/Dugan Kelly (Paso Robles, Calif.), 5.0 seconds, $3,916.67; 2. Speed Williams (Jacksonville, Fla.)/Rich Skelton (Llano, Texas), 5.2, $2,937.50; 3. Charles Pogue (Ringling, Okla.)/Allen Bach (Millsap, Texas), 5.5, $1,958.33; and 4. Joe Beaver (Huntsville, Texas)/Brad Culpepper (Ashburn, Ga.), 5.6, $979.17.

Saddle bronc riding: 1. Tom Reeves (Eagle Butte, S.D.), 87 points on Korkow Rodeo's Vidalia, $3.916.67; 2. Rod Hay (Wildwood, Alberta), 86, $2,937.50; 3. Rod Warren (Big Valley, Alberta), 85, $1,958.33; and 4. Jesse Bail (Camp Crook, S.D.), 84, $979.17.

Calf roping: 1. Cash Myers (Athens, Texas), 8.0 seconds, $3,916.67; 2. Houston Hutto (Del Rio, Texas), 8.9, $2,937.50; 3. Trevor Brazile (Anson, Texas), 9.4, $1,958.33; 4. Tony Reina (Brazoria, Texas), 9.5, $979.17.

Barrel racing: 1. Melanie White (Killeen, Texas), 13.47 seconds, 3,916.67; 2. Charmayne James (Athens, Texas), 13.62, $2,937.50, 3. Molly Powell (Alpine, Texas), 13.66, $1,958.33; and 4. Delores Toole (Manter, Kan.), 13.77, $979.17.

Bull riding: 1. Vince Stanton (Weiser, Idaho), 87 points on Harper & Morgan Rodeo's Dark Town, $3,916.67; 2. Jason Legler (Eaton, Colo.), 85, $2,937.50; 3. Justin Andrade (Grover Beach, Calif.), 83, $1,958.33; no other qualified rides. --30--
