September 20, 2024

GOP is phony, greedy party

Sun editor Brian Greenspun told it like it really is in his Nov. 23 column. He offered several criticisms of the Bush administration. Then he listed his reason for not accepting an invitation to the luncheon for President Bush on Nov. 25 at The Venetian -- the president's decision to approve Yucca Mountain.

As a candidate, Bush had said his decision would be based on science. As Greenspun pointed out, "... there is no sound science that can prove Yucca Mountain capable of containing high-level radioactive waste for the 10,000 years required by the law." The truth of his column brought tears to my eyes. I wish Gov. Kenny Guinn had also stayed away from the luncheon.

The greed and the duplicity of Republicans are absolutely disgusting and they should "reap the wild wind" for their crimes against the common people and our environment. Money is their god and that has always tainted their every move. The Republican Party is a phony party constructed for plain greed, and if people who work hard for a living don't see that, they need glasses.

Republicans are bent on ruining our environment and care nothing for the future of our children. Their "Leave No Child Behind Act" is a ploy for self-righteousness. They should have supported Head Start, a genuine, caring program.

