Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Editorial: Neighbors’ turn to be tolerant

The slop at R.C. Farms will smell again this summer, as it has for the past 40 years. And it will smell even worse after being recycled through 5,000 pigs. But the Combs' family, owners of the farm situated on Clark County land but encircled by the city of North Las Vegas, is cooperating with the county to permanently lessen the smell before summer starts. They are doing so for the benefit of neighbors in lovely new homes, some right across the street. The newcomers chose to bring their urban lifestyles and sensitivities to within feet of the pig farm. Many then chose to complain every time they caught a whiff of the porkers' food and resulting byproduct. Before long, the farm was facing more than $70,000 in fines. Only in an area unable to control its own growth could a farmer be held responsible in such a situation. In our view, the real problem was the city of North Las Vegas, which allowed residential development right up to the border of a Clark County agricultural zone.

Nevertheless, the Combs' family reconciled itself to reality and cooperated with the county on a plan to reduce its odors, in exchange for the fines being waived. Patriarch Robert Combs told the county at a meeting on Wednesday, "We want to be an asset to the community, not a hindrance." The family's willingness to embrace the plan will help make the farm as compatible as possible with its new surroundings.

The county-financed plan was drawn up by a North Carolina university professor who specializes in the management of animal waste on farms. It involves more frequent cleaning of the pens, new feeding troughs, and notifying the county whenever smelly operations, such as cleaning the settling basins that catch manure, are about to get under way. This will help the county when its phones start ringing. Neighbors registering complaints can be told what the farm is doing and that the odor will soon dissipate. We hope the calls will soon dissipate. The farm has pledged to make a good-faith effort to be a good neighbor, and the newcomers should follow its lead.
