Las Vegas Sun

May 17, 2024

Letter: Courageous Bush policy succeeding

In Ruth DiMaggio's latest letter, she refers to President Bush's "all about oil and revenge disaster in Iraq." I assume she prefers former President Clinton's approach to world-wide terrorism, which was ... oh, wait, Clinton had no approach to world-wide terrorism other than gutting our own intelligence community.

He was offered Osama bin Laden on several occasions but wouldn't even bring him in for questioning. Do you think it possible that 9-11 would not have happened if he had taken bin Laden into custody? Clinton also believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and did nothing about that either.

DiMaggio goes on to say that we should solve world problems with diplomacy. I wonder if she has seen video of al-Qaida terrorists in training. Just try negotiating with fanatics such as them and see how far you get. They want us dead. Period. If she doesn't understand what President Bush is succeeding in doing -- creating a free and open society in the middle of the Arab world -- the Islamic extremists do. Why do you think they are so desperate to stop it?

Those who believe we should get our troops out of Iraq, including most of the Democratic presidential candidates, are in the same category as bin Laden, who said that America hasn't the courage to oppose jihad.

