Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Bush’s policies preserve freedom around globe

This letter is a reply to Paul McGuire's Nov. 30 letter headlined, "President refuses to repent from his wicked ways."

President Bush genuinely cares about not only the people of the United States but about all people everywhere. What is so wrong about helping people on other continents?

What liberals want is for our president to ignore all of the horrible things that occur in Iran, Iraq and other places. The only way those people will ever be really free from oppression and fear is to be rid of the bad guys. Then, and only then, can they vote and pursue happiness. The United States has a tough president who doesn't back down or give in to the terrorists.

If the liberals dislike the way our country is run, let them go live in another, less free, country. Maybe then they will appreciate what our president is doing for our country.

