Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter: U.S. is a republic, not a democracy

Mr. Frank Perna's letter on Sunday about faith-based initiatives missed the point.

First, if government funds are given directly to one religious group, then all religious groups can demand equal funding. How do you choose some groups to fund but not all? The government does fund private religious groups indirectly by providing deductions on our income tax for our contributions. In this way we decide who to support and not the government.

Second, we do not live in a democracy, we live in a republic. The difference between the two is significant.

Third, the Bill of Rights exists to protect minority opinions and beliefs from being run over by the will of the majority. This is the true beauty of our system of government and we should thank the Founding Fathers every day for these protections.

A few extreme examples of majority rule without protection of the minority might prove enlightening. The Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, and American slavery immediately come to mind. Read any history book and you will find one example after another of the strong imposing their will on the weak.

It is very difficult for any of us to be tolerant of those we disagree with but that is exactly what our great nation is all about. I disagree with Mr. Perna, but I am glad I live in a nation where he is free to hold and express his opinions and I mine.

