Las Vegas Sun

May 2, 2024

Letter: Radio opinions honestly labeled

Mr. Robert B. Elliott's well-written letter of Jan. 5 is a sad commentary on the intolerance of the liberals in America today.

Mr. Elliott obviously did not listen to Rush, Sean and Mr. O'Reilly long enough or he would have "gotten it."

Those radio talk shows are informative, enlightening, and, yes, opinionated. All of those programs make no secret of the fact that opinions are being presented along with the truth. They are not news programs. They provide commentary on America today. This is the opposite of the network TV, CNN, PBS and NPR "news" programs, which sneak their opinions in while purporting to report the news in an unbiased manner.

As to the hosts' careers ending if, as Mr. Elliott put it, "Hillary Clinton were to suddenly die," such an assertion could not be further from the truth. There are plenty of other wacko leftists, liberals and socialists out there yakking away on which to build many a career.

I used to be a fan of the American Civil Liberties Union. But since it has become a left-wing liberal organization that selects certain group rights to protect at the expense of other group rights, and, with the help of activist judges, twists the U.S. Constitution to fit an agenda, I can no longer respect that organization.

