Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024

Letter: To disagree is a patriotic duty

I am new to Las Vegas and am happy to begin a subscription with the Las Vegas Sun. I am particularly impressed with the editor, Brian Greenspun.

I especially appreciate your Sept. 12 editorial headlined, "Republican scare tactics beyond pale." I found Vice President Dick Cheney's recent remarks -- that a vote for the Democrats would be a vote for more terrorist attacks -- particularly offensive and inappropriate. As an American, I have the right to disagree with the current Republican regime without my patriotism being questioned and without a smear being leveled against me that I am inviting terrorism.

I will vote for John Kerry because he went to Vietnam (his opponent avoided the war) and I believe he understands that war is not to be taken lightly. Kerry knows the importance of avoiding civilian casualties. I believe he can lead us safely out of this war, that his policies will help all Americans (not just the wealthy) and that he will secure our borders appropriately.

We need a leader with experience, one who does not use the presence of war to avoid discussing all of the issues that face America today. We need a leader who understands that being American means being able to disagree without being labeled an enemy or an accomplice to terrorism. If we give up our freedom to choose because of scare tactics, then the terrorists would have taken more than our lives -- they would have taken away the very heart and soul of what it means to be American.

