Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Letter: Revamping mining law a complex issue

While it is nice to see Congressman Jim Gibbons' mining proposal die, the Sun's excellent editorial on Dec. 15, "Back to the drawing board," hits the point squarely on its head: The issue is complex. As a conservationist, I believe the solution needs to be one that is more balanced between the public and our land, as well as the interests of industry.

Looking at Rep. Gibbons' record with regard to our public lands, I think we'll see a similar version of this bill next year. Allying himself with Rep. Richard Pombo, a California Republican, isn't the first time Rep. Gibbons has reached across the state line for assistance on a controversial bill.

Only a month ago he tried to dump nearly 200,000 acres of potential wilderness with the assistance of another California legislator. And just in case anyone needs reminding, two years ago Congressman Gibbons tried to redirect money from the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act to the School District -- while the School District needs help, Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act money would have been a very short-term solution.

These are shades, I think, of what we will see if Jim Gibbons is elected governor next year: good for a small portion of his wealthy supporters, bad for anyone who loves Nevada's wild country.

Bill Huggins

Las Vegas
