Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Bush should be impeached for lies, errors in Iraq

Isn't it time that the American people demand some answers from our government as to why we were duped into invading Iraq by the Bush administration?

The reasons given for the invasion have changed from weapons of mass destruction, to get the people who attacked us on 9/11, to providing democracy for the Iraqi people to the now, more appropriate reason -- fighting the terrorists who have been created by our invasion of Iraq.

The recent revelations of the Downing Street memos by the British newspapers indicate that the British government had a better understanding of George W. Bush's intentions toward Iraq than our own politicians. President Bush naively thought that he could dispose of a tyrannical ruler and avenge the threats to his father without much ado.

The image of him standing on the aircraft carrier with the infamous "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him epitomizes the carelessness of his administration. Now, almost four years after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by a group of mostly Saudi perpetrators, the president still tries to mislead the American people into believing there is a link between 9/11 and his misguided invasion of Iraq.

In light of George Bush's ever-changing reasons for invading Iraq, the dead and wounded American troops and more than $200 billion spent to date with no end in sight to the Iraq war, shouldn't the impeachment process be undertaken at this time to require accountability for this blatant error that will undermine America's credibility for generations?

