Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Letter: Staying the course is wrong

The major networks gave up some prime-time money makers to air the June 28 "George Bush in Fantasy Land Show." Iraqi insurgents are the same folks who attacked us on 9/11, Bush said, while invoking themes of freedom, democracy and progress. The president was surrounded by military people, but it didn't help -- the broadcast got low ratings.

Maybe if Bush had worn his flight suit while standing before a big banner that said "Complete the Mission," he'd have done better. More likely, the networks and the American people are tired of the same old "Stay the Course" program that does not sell because it does not work.

What Americans want is a plan for our troops to exit Iraq with the least amount of death and destruction. There are many possible plans, but they are not being discussed. American corporations have privatized Iraq's oil reserves. As long as George Bush has his fist in that monkey trap, we can only expect more of the same for the next three years. It's what the American people bought in last November's election. Now we have to pay for it, even if we got a lemon.

