Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Evangelical movement is inconsistent

It's been stated time and again that liberals wish to remove God from all vestiges of American life. Just the opposite is occurring. Take a look at the evangelical, religious-right movement in America.

Members of this movement speak of Christian values and Christian morals as though Christianity possesses a monopoly on morality, which it doesn't. In fact I sometimes question their moral values. For instance, just how moral is it to deny research that could prolong and improve human life? This movement takes a strong position against embryonic stem cell research. While there is no scientific consensus as to when life begins, they base their position on the Bible's teaching that life begins at conception.

Scientific evidence is beginning to emerge that sexual orientation is something that occurs at birth, not something that occurs by choice after puberty. The Bible, however, teaches that homosexuality is a sin. As a result, this movement wishes to deny homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals.

While evolution is a theory, there is scientific and physical evidence upon which it is based. This movement wants to inject in public school science classes the creation theory, which has absolutely no basis in science or physical evidence.

This movement chooses to attack the judiciary. This is the institution provided for by the Founding Fathers to protect the constitutional rights of the minority against the legislative power of the majority. Instead of liberals wanting to remove God from all vestiges of American life, it is this movement's wish to legislate and adjudicate Christianity upon that which was intended to be a free society. Just where is the morality in that?

