Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Columnist Peter Benton: New member wins annual tournament

Peter Benton's golf column appears Wednesday.

Mens' First Flight

Launce Wallin, 138

Frank Larsen, 140

Bill Blackard, 141

Men's Second Flight

Pete Segel, 138

Russ Schroeder, 140

Don Pitchford, 143

Men's Third Flight

Allen Vogel, 141

Charles Snavely, 142

Steve Gephardt, 143

Men's Fourth Flight

Norval Jessogne, 139*

Gary Gardner, 139

Mort Davis, 142

Gross winners Senior Club

Frank Larsen, 154

Super Senior

Ken Land, 173

Ladies Senior Club

Sandy Singer, 166

* won in playoff

The Las Vegas Country Club's annual President's Cup Golf Tournament, a two-day flighted low net event, had some surprising results last week.

A brand new member, Tom Paluzzi, surprised himself and everyone else with a narrow victory in the men's overall championship. He shot 81-78-159 (net 137) over the 7,164-yard, par-72 layout.

A winner has yet to be determined in the ladies' flight, where a playoff between Linda Wade and Betsy Bell (who both came in with 142s) is in the scheduling stage.

It's tough to say what is going on down in Florida but I am beginning to think that the Hall of Fame is prostituting itself because of its constantly changing attitude. It was not that long ago that 75 percent of the returning votes were required to gain entry -- then it was 65 percent --and now it seems it is just the top vote getter (over 50 percent.)

I think the problem is that too many golfers are being nominated. This year 22 PGA tour/Champions tour members were nominated, along with 11 on the International ballot.

With so many to choose from, it would take an extraordinary person to come away with 65 percent of the votes. Perhaps the Hall should revise its rules by limiting those nominated so someone can obtain the 65 percent.
