Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: The numbers don’t look good for Bush

Bush administration aide Scooter Libby has been indicted and the president's right-hand man, Karl Rove, is still under investigation in a broadening scandal.

Although Iraqis ratified a new constitution by a wide margin, Sunni Arab leaders say it will do little to quell the insurgency.

Harriet Miers, the president's U.S. Supreme Court nominee, went down in a ball of flames last week.

And the numbers last week were bad.

Really bad.

A USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll revealed that if Bush were running for re-election this year, 55 percent of America would vote for an unnamed Democrat.

Also last week the American death toll in Iraq hit 2,000 -- a major marker in a war created out of deception and lies. Remember the myth of WMDs told to us.

Then, within 24 hours, the national debt rolled past the $8 trillion level, which went unnoticed because of other news.

No wonder the reports out of Washington claim that there's a lot of screaming and attitude in the Oval Office.

This second-term president has a solid majority in the House and Senate. He and the cronies he has packed into the White House can't spin blame to the Democrats.

What do to?

Probably another elevation of the terror alert to divert the American public's attention.

John Marchese

