Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter: No evidence to back intelligent design

Mr. Slaby has come to the conclusion that our solar system, coupled with the complexity of the living cell and the intricate workings of the DNA makeup of human beings, is so complicated that they constitute evidence of being intelligently designed.

The key here is the use of the word "intelligent." If there is a designer with the intelligence to design something as complex and complicated as our existence, would such a designer not be as, and perhaps more so, complex and complicated?

This is where the theory of intelligent design leaves the realm of science and enters into the realm of myth and faith. To suggest our solar system and its inhabitants is so complex and complicated as to require design begs the question: Who designed the designer?

The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. There is, however, scientific evidence lending it credibility. Intelligent design has no scientific evidence. In fact, what its proponents wish to pass off as evidence only creates a need for an additional designers.

Terry E. Peele Las Vegas
