Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter: Bush’s foes have been unfairly critical


Sept. 10-11, 2005

The liberals and their cohorts seek to blame President Bush for rising gasoline prices, Iraq and now Hurricane Katrina. In their misguided logic, they refuse to recall the many obstacles they have thrown up against the quest for more sources of oil.

Although there is oil, and a lot of it, in Alaska as well as locations off of our shores, they refused to entertain drilling and production from these sources. No matter where oil was to be found in or around the U.S., every effort was exerted to deny exploration and procurement of this oil.

Iraq was initially thought to be a source of weapons of mass destruction. Most senators, as well as European nations, believed that to be the case. Not one level-headed person or nation had a doubt of Saddam's intent to support terrorist networks, including al-Qaida. Are we right in our war in Iraq? You bet we are!

Look at the vote on the Kyoto Accord. Look at the intended harm it would have done to the U.S. Look at China and other countries that have no laws restricting the gas pollution as the result of burning fossil fuels. Look at President Bush's attempts to protect our forests from further destruction by forest fires! Every positive move he has made has been met with obstruction by our friends on the left.

Look at the mother of a fallen soldier, Cindy Sheehan, as she voices the dishonest words of the liberals among us. Sure, she may deserve our sympathy. But by her actions, she has really earned our pity. Shame on her.

Our president may not be perfect, but who is? He is doing a marvelous job and deserves our accolades.

