Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024

Letter: Military bases can be used for emergencies


Sept. 10-11, 2005

The tragic catastrophe visited on the Gulf Coast by Hurricane Katrina has dramatically demonstrated our country's poor preparation for a major disaster and its vulnerability to the bloated bureaucracy -- local, state and federal.

It is now our duty and mission to heed the lessons learned and to take steps to the best of our ability to prevent ever being victimized by poor leadership in dealing with a major disaster.

I respectfully suggest that we take advantage of the current suggested military base closures and establish some five or six of them as emergency evacuation depots scattered across the country.

Military bases generally provide housing, feeding, medical, fuel and communications capabilities. Also, access to highway, railroad and air services, as well as significant land area that could accommodate temporary housing such as tents. Additionally, they are properly fenced and adequately secured.

I further suggest that stockpiles of food, medical supplies, emergency clothing, blankets, drinking water and so forth be established to accommodate emergency evacuations of people victimized by such events as natural disasters, terrorism and fire. The supplies should be enough to last for a short period of time, a month or so, until people can return to their homes.

I further suggest that a simple chain of command be established for declared emergencies, to immediately manage the rescue and/or evacuation efforts in a timely and professional manner. This command structure should have the authority to override the inept bureaucracy. Emergencies require calm emergency leadership.

