Las Vegas Sun

May 3, 2024

Fall pollen nothing to sneeze at

For a few weeks twice a year Southern Nevada residents suffer more with watery eyes, sneezing, wheezing and coughing, all caused by the pollen from blooming desert plants and weeds.

Spring isn't the only season for allergies in Southern Nevada. In the past week warmer, drier air and windy conditions have mixed a recipe for misery among Las Vegas Valley allergy sufferers, during this fall pollen season.

Dr. Jim Lenhart, vice dean of the University of Nevada School of Medicine, said his family practice has increased over the past week as the sneezing increases on the streets.

Twice a year pollen counts increase -- January through May and again from September into October -- prompting allergy symptoms to appear, Lenhart said.

"You'd think in a desert climate, we'd have less pollen," he said.

But sagebrush and weeds pump pollen into the air, and winds disperse it across the valley, said Monte Symmonds of the Clark County Air Quality Division.

Symonds also warned of a possible double whammy for allergy sufferers. He said that if the wind shifts and comes from the west or southwest this weekend, the valley could get ash and smoke from Southern California's wildfires.

"There's a possibility that smoke from the Southern California wildfires will drift into the valley over the weekend," he said.

For those suffering from allergies, there's little opportunity for escape. It's not only the air outdoors that can trigger allergy attacks, Lenhart said. Indoors people are exposed to house dust and dust mites.

"Anything in the air that's irritating can trigger allergies," he said.

The first line of defense against respiratory invaders such as dust, mold and pollens is to avoid them if you can, Lenhart said.

"But that's difficult to do," he said.

People should irrigate their nostrils with salt water sprays or drops to flush out the irritants, he said. For occasional sneezing and watery eyes, over-the-counter antihistamines may work.

For more enduring problems, allergy sufferers may need prescription-strength relief.

Inside a home, people can add moisture to the air and reduce dust and other airborne particles. Cleaning air-conditioner filters is a must, Lenhart said.

For those bustling around town all day, a shower and shampoo before going to bed helps get rid of environmental pollutants.

"Think of your hair as a haven for all those pollen and dust grains," Lenhart said.

Significant allergy symptoms can lead to asthma and year-round suffering that needs medical attention, he said.
