Las Vegas Sun

May 1, 2024

Archive for August 27, 2006

Body parts broker crossed the country plying flesh and bone
But nothing stopped Philip Joe Guyett Jr. from moving steadily eastward, mining gold from the lucrative body parts trade. Federal officials shut down this flesh-and-bone prospector in Raleigh, N.C., earlier this month, saying his products ...
8:36 a.m.
FLASHPOINT for Aug 27, 2006
The Democrats are upset. Again. Seems they want to make an issue out of a perceived insult that Rep. Jim Gibbons gave to educators. It's an outrage, I tell you. Gibbons explained his reason for ...
7:29 a.m.
Letter: Charity does not require a return gift
Most of these attractive gifts go in the trash. Most of our donations must be spent on printing and mailing them. I am now more likely to contribute to an organization that doesn't include a ...
7:29 a.m.
Letter: Muslims can stand to meet Americans, too
Americans are a tolerant people. Religious freedom is guaranteed here. With an occasional descent into religious intolerance (murder of LDS founder Joseph Smith, numerous arson incidents on Catholic parishes in the early Republic), we "live ...
7:28 a.m.
Letter: Colleges fail because students aren't ready
The students being admitted to the system are simply not ready for college-level work. How does anyone expect that throwing more money at the colleges will change that? The problem that needs to be fixed ...
7:28 a.m.
Commentary: Flawed magazine rankings give false impressions of Nevada's universities
Twenty-five percent of the ranking score is based on reputation alone, which is nonquantifiable, arbitrary and by definition favors those who are already at the top. Universities that are growing and have new programs, such ...
7:28 a.m.
Hal Rothman on how America is being divided by financial status
The sign advertised courts for rent, leagues for kids and adults, and space for parties. A schedule offered a weekend volleyball tournament, advertising club teams from around the region. As my son and I entered, ...
7:28 a.m.
Editorial: Science departs for Singapore
Brilliant American scientists who are fed up with political opposition to federal funding for stem cell research are quietly slipping away to the authoritarian city-state. Singapore may be known for caning criminals and strict laws ...
7:27 a.m.
Letter: Water needs best met by looking to the west
Pat Mulroy, from the Southern Nevada Water Authority, claims it's necessary to build a 250-mile long pipeline and related infrastructure at a proposed cost of $2 billion to secure the future of Las Vegas. The ...
7:27 a.m.
Editorial: Ballot question a mirage
The backers of the People's Initiative to Stop the Taking of Our Land purport to be concerned about protecting property owners from having their land seized by the government and handed over to a private ...
7:27 a.m.
John Katsilometes talks with Jeff Beacher about 'bartainment' project
On Tuesday the larger-than-life multimedia kingpin (how's that for a handle?) opens Beacher's Rockhouse Bar at the Imperial Palace with a street festival that will celebrate Paris Hilton's new CD, conveniently titled "Paris." The party ...
7:27 a.m.
Differences clear, but who wins?
The differences between challenger Tessa Hafen and two-term incumbent Rep. Jon Porter in Nevada's 3rd Congressional District are easy to see, political watchers say, but what is not so clear is who will win.
7:27 a.m.
Who will the happiest mayor help?
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman apparently loves being the center of political speculation - not only about his own possible candidacy, but also whether he might play a major role in other candidates' campaigns.
7:26 a.m.
School-choice debate takes bus ride to Carson City
The Clark County School District expects the 2007 Legislature to debate school choice, and in a pre-emptive move will ask lawmakers to share the transportation costs of such a program.
7:26 a.m.
It's a myth, now park it
You hear the whispers as soon as you come to town: Valets can make six figures - just for parking cars.
7:26 a.m.
Who owes whom is supreme theme
Late last year, former District Judge Don Chairez was approached separately by prominent Las Vegas lawyers Laura FitzSimmons and Kermitt Waters. Their pitch: We want you to run for Justice Nancy Becker's Supreme Court seat. ...
7:26 a.m.
Brian Greenspun answers a critic and suggests the R-J should look at its own contributions
I have tried to understand what it is about the president of Stephens Media - that's the media arm of the Stephens family, which, arguably, is among the top two or three wealthiest families in ...
7:26 a.m.
Jack Sheehan remembers the days of the bent noses and pinstripe suits and how they really weren't good times
I was on a first date with a young woman, sharing chicken fingers, when my companion gently nudged me in the ribs. She had a concerned look on her face.
7:26 a.m.
The magic of neon
Magician Steve Wyrick has something very pronounced stretching across the red wall of his living room. It dwarfs his fireplace and drives up his electric bill.
7:25 a.m.
Signs of old times
The gold-and-green sign promised "air-conditioning," "TV" and a "vacancy" to weary travelers arriving on lower Fremont Street during the post-war heyday of the auto courts. Today the tattered and rusted Lucky Motel sign rests atop ...
7:25 a.m.

21 stories