Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter: Wicca is no exception to freedom of religion

I want to thank you personally for printing the June 30 commentary by Charles C. Haynes stating that the Department of Veterans Affairs is dishonoring Wiccan veterans.

As a Wiccan veteran, one who was not allowed to put "Wiccan" on dog-tags, but rather put "nopref," there simply are no words when someone stands up and speaks for so many of us who have had no voice over the years.

Witchcraft is not what the media portrays it to be. We are peaceful, nature-revering people and the core of our beliefs is simple: Harm none.

To have someone like Mr. Haynes stand up for our rights was such a pleasant surprise.

That the VA would acknowledge validity in something like Eckankar but not Wicca is mind-boggling to me. I do not say that Eckankar has no Truth; there are many Truths, but that the VA would fight acknowledgement of Wicca and other Pagan religions is astonishing.

I would ask the administration and the VA this simple question: What did Sgt. Stewart die for? Or is this freedom of religion for everyone as long as you're Christian?

There are many groups trying to help honor Pagan veterans. Charles Arnold and the Pagan Headstone Campaign (of which I'm a member), Lady Liberty League with the Circle Network and Officers of Avalon just to name a few.

If Christians would prefer Pagans not to fight, well fine, then, send the Pagan soldiers home! Last I checked, however, the military couldn't afford to turn anyone away.

Shonna Rhein-Gariepy, Las Vegas
