Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Pause to appreciate a remarkable life

Regarding the Sun's June 2 editorial, "Recalling a Nevada activist": Thank you for your remembrance of Maya Miller.

For most Southern Nevadans, your tribute was probably more of an introduction, as Maya was long-forgotten as a household name. For me, she was always a hero. Thirty-some years ago, at age 18, I cast my first vote. It was for Maya, running against Harry Reid in the U.S. Senate Democratic primary in 1974. Her candidacy was heralded by the press, locally and nationally, as a Cinderella story. She of course lost to Harry, who in turn lost to Paul Laxalt.

Both Gov. Mike O'Callaghan and then-Lt. Gov. Harry Reid were long-term friends of my family, so my pitiful but unyielding support of Maya earned me a share of grief. That would all change in time as relationships were forged again.

What is relatively unknown here is the incredible work Maya did all throughout her life. She gave a voice to those who had none, quietly used her considerable wealth for consistently good causes, fought like a junk-yard dog for protection of the environment, especially Lake Tahoe; was known and respected nationally for her work in the women's movement and for issues related to children. And her compassion didn't know borders.

She was always going to Third World countries to help those in need. Hers was a life very well lived that should be an inspiration to us all. That first vote will always be my most memorable, and perhaps best.

Steve Evans, Las Vegas
