Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Why not outsource Secret Service, too?

Congress now has an additional 45 days with which to thoroughly investigate and evaluate the port security deal arranged with the United Arab Emirates.

Despite many questions about how secure our ports will be under this deal, President Bush continues to pledge that it is a good program for the U.S. and that our ports will be in very secure hands with a Dubai company owned by the United Arab Emirates. He is so confident in the plan that he knew nothing about until very recently and that he has pledged to veto any attempts to alter or nullify the original deal.

I think the American people would have much greater confidence in the president's assurances if he would fire the Secret Service and hire this same company to personally protect him and his family.

I am certain there are unemployed Muslim jihadists who would jump at the opportunity to come to this country and provide security for our president. Outsourcing this job category to a foreign country would be in line with his administration's policies to do so with other fields of employment.

Virgil A. Sestini, Las Vegas
