Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter: Bush has failed to seal U.S. border

Why is President Bush pushing for legalizing immigrants who entered this country without proper documentation? I believe it isn't compassion for people who have no rights. It is because his supporters - large industries like agriculture, travel, meat and chicken plants - need these people to amass greater profits for themselves.

Since many are not paying into the Social Security system, it saves these industries money. Employer pays half and worker pays half. If the employee pays nothing it is another saving for the industries.

Once they become "guest workers," will they then pay into the system? Also, will "guest workers" be paid a living wage or, if not, is that another reason Bush is pushing for them? What about health care? Will these big industries place them into an employer-based health system?

The problem has become widespread because Bush and past administrations did not stress keeping our borders closed to illegals. He knows that many of his supporters depend on these people.

The law says the employer is responsible for checking their legitimacy. They do not bother because our current White House occupants really don't care who comes into this country as long as they make their supporters richer by taking advantage of the workers' tenuous position.

One other thing. Many illegals are in our prisons where the annual cost to keep them there is another taxpayer burden. Send them back to where they came from. There are many questions that need answering before we go along with the president's plans.

Adele VandeHouten, Henderson
