Las Vegas Sun

July 26, 2024

Rogers adds own incentive for president

The presidency at UNLV may have just become more enticing - or less, if you don't like the idea of your boss personally helping to pay your salary.

Regents on Friday approved a $400,000 contract for incoming UNR President Milton Glick, a full $80,000 more than his predecessor received. It is highly likely that UNLV's president can expect the same.

Here's the catch: The extra $80,000 for Glick is from Chancellor Jim Rogers and his wife, Beverly, through a donation to the UNR Foundation. The foundation is also picking up another $90,000 of Glick's contract, just as it did for former UNR President John Lilley.

Rogers said he made the donation to bring Glick to UNR, and he is hoping other donors will step up to help cover some of the extra cost. He made the gift irrevocable for the entirety of Glick's tenure at the university, which Glick said made him "absolutely confident that it would not affect" his relationship with the chancellor.

"It is unusual and unique to say the least, but it is also unique to have someone as chancellor who is doing it not because he needs the job but because he cares so much about higher education," Glick said.


Want to know where the real decisions get made at a Board of Regents meeting? Try taking a trip to the restroom.

On the record, regents and other search committee members were pretty mum about which of the three candidates for UNLV president they preferred after a day of interviews Wednesday. But during a break, the hallway leading to the restrooms at the Thomas & Mack Center became a rally scene for Marvin Krislov, University of Michigan vice president and general counsel.

In a service hallway outside the restrooms, Regent and committee Chairman Steve Sisolak was discussing his impressions in a tight huddle with Chancellor Jim Rogers and UNLV donor and businessman Tom Thomas.

Sisolak and Rogers said they liked all three finalists, but they were both leaning toward selecting Krislov, with Lt. Gen. William Lennox, the West Point superintendent, a close second.

"I think that's where you'll end up," Rogers said, referring to Krislov. The trio seemed oblivious that their huddle was blocking a Sun reporter and others from entering and exiting the restroom until Regent Dorothy Gallagher physically moved Sisolak out of her way.

"This meeting has not been noticed," Gallagher said sarcastically. It was unclear whether she was addressing the pro-Krislov trio or the eavesdroppers.

Krislov, Lennox and University of California, Merced Provost David Ashley will spend Tuesday visiting UNLV before final interviews Wednesday.

Speaking of UNLV presidential candidates, Clark County Manager Thom Reilly apparently was in the running at one point, but either Reilly pulled out or the search consultants didn't think his qualifications passed muster to be named in the top 10.

Leroy Pelton, a UNLV social work professor, made it public that Reilly had been at least nominated for the job by delivering a letter to regents encouraging them to hire Reilly for the position.

Reilly, who is an adjunct professor of public administration at UNLV, said he was flattered to even be considered.

"I'm not sure how I could have competed against those individuals," Reilly said of the other candidates. "I think it's great that UNLV can attract that quality of individuals from such prestigious organizations."

Another applicant who did not make the top 10 was UNLV Faculty Senate Chairman Bill Robinson. An economics professor, Robinson also had applied for the job when outgoing President Carol Harter was hired in 1995.

Robinson said he thinks he would have made a more "dynamic" president than either Ashley or Krislov, but he was impressed with Lennox.

"The general is head and shoulders above the others," Robinson said.

Regents unanimously voted on Friday to honor Harter's 11 years at the helm of UNLV by naming the Classroom Building Complex on the west side of campus after her.

Student leaders brought forth the motion, which Harter said was deeply touching.

"This takes me back to where I started and why I am in this business in the first place, which is because of our students," Harter said.

Harter steps down July 1 to work as executive director of UNLV's Black Mountain Institute, a new think tank for writers and artists in development at the universities.
