Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Archive for May 22, 2006

TAKE FIVE: Chad Miller
Position: Designated hitter
7:20 a.m.
The last time I tried to change the oil in my car I wound up looking like Prince William Sound after the Exxon Valdez struck that reef. I am not what you would call a ...
7:20 a.m.
Jeff Haney on Andy Bloch's DVD, which offers winning tips from a blackjack pro
Although it's still possible to make money at blackjack on a steady and consistent basis, Bloch said, counting cards is not a guaranteed road to riches.
7:20 a.m.
It's strictly for the birds
As the last days of May wilt and triple-digit temperatures loom, we're reminded that Southern Nevada is a desert.
7:20 a.m.
FLASHPOINT for May 22, 2006
FLASHPOINT for May 22, 2006
7:19 a.m.
Editorial: Close this tobacco loophole
At issue are smokes marketed as "little cigars," which attorneys general in the participating states contend are really just cigarettes wrapped in brown paper.
7:19 a.m.
Editorial: Sensible plan on energy use
The bill, as Democrats note, offers an alternative to the oil-drilling focus of past and present GOP bills. The Democratic plan would accelerate and extend incentives for both the manufacture and purchase of new fuel-efficient ...
7:19 a.m.
Letter: Irresponsible journalism a sign of the Times
Keller wrote that the Times gave the Bush administration "abundant opportunities to explain why they felt our information should not be published." Then he wrote about how the Times made its decision: "We considered the ...
7:19 a.m.
Letter: English as official language long overdue
All of the documents generated by this nation's Founding Fathers were written in English. To view this glaring truth one only has to look at such historical documents as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution ...
7:19 a.m.
Letter: CIA nominee another strike against Bush
What a joke. He doesn't want to hear about all of the past screw-ups of our intelligence forces (including 9/11). If there were not so many screw-ups in the past, we would not be looking ...
7:18 a.m.
Editorial: Stand up to scandals - vote
The 2005 Legislature approved the date change because county clerks wanted more time between the primaries and the general election so that sample ballots and overseas military ballots could be more carefully prepared. In the ...
7:18 a.m.
New UNLV chief has key jobs to fill
He'll need to build a new executive cabinet.
7:18 a.m.
Proficiency test results expected back quickly
Seniors took the exam last week, their final opportunity to qualify for graduation. Students who complete the required course credits but do not pass the math, reading and writing tests are given a certificate of ...
7:18 a.m.
Boulder City might take a toll on motorists
It's not part of any money-making venture to fatten the city's treasury. Rather, it's one option to generate funds and speed construction of a freeway bypass that otherwise might not begin until 2025.
7:17 a.m.
Jack Sheehan tries not to sweat daily nuisances and remembers the sacrifices being made by loved ones
You could say these men represent the best this country has to offer, underpaid though they may be, and so I've been thinking that the least I can do is brag on them a little ...
7:17 a.m.
Eating out tonight? Here are some tips on playing it safe
While food preparation is usually out of sight of diners, he says customers can self-inspect a place by first taking a good look at their surroundings:
7:17 a.m.
Profs wise to cellular cheats
A college student surreptitiously slides a camera-equipped cell phone out of his pocket, photographs his test, and sends the image to a friend outside the classroom. His accomplice replies with the question's answer.
7:17 a.m.

18 stories