Las Vegas Sun

May 17, 2024

Letter: U.S. needs to look at example of Vietnam

The sooner we leave Iraq, the better. The cultural makeup of that country and the tribal civil war that is going on makes it impossible for us to bring any type of stability to that situation. It was a major mistake to go into Iraq in the first place, and it will continue to be a mistake by staying. Leaving Iraq is not a case of "cutting and running." Leaving Iraq is recognizing that our continued presence in that country is not going to solve a single problem that we currently face in the Middle East.

Saddam was a bad, bad man but getting rid of Saddam has made Iraq, and to a certain extent, the entire Middle East a potential powder keg. Iraq is not ready for any form of democracy. Maybe some time in the future, but not now! The recently held democratic elections in Iraq have done nothing in terms of bringing peace to that country. The best thing that could happen to Iraq would be to establish a benevolent dictatorship and then later work for democratic reforms.

The people of Iraq are going to have to solve their own problems, if that is possible. When we invaded Iraq we opened a Pandora's box. Vietnam survived after we left and Iraq will also. Look at Vietnam today ... it has a growing, thriving economy and is becoming a model free-market system for that part of the world. It's still communist, but time and a free market economy could change that.

Larry Burgess, Henderson
