Las Vegas Sun

May 8, 2024

Letter: Border security a joke to illegal immigrants

Border security and the halt of illegal immigrants into this country have become a major social, economic and law enforcement issue for some time.

The Mexican border naturally causes the most concern. That came strongly into focus during the organized public demonstration marches earlier this year.

It became a shocking reality that 12 million illegal immigrants are already here and growing daily. Any intelligent American should realize that besides picking tomatoes and mowing lawns, that they're also changing lots of diapers. And they will present huge new social and economic burdens for our health care and educational institutions.

The elite and very wealthy in this country will remain unaffected. They live in gated communities, send their children to private schools and have their own select health care.

But the working class and middle class, who actually pay taxes, have pressed Congress to address this issue. Its "solution" is to appropriate a huge amount of taxpayers' money to build a 700-mile fence along the border. Who will get this new no-bid contract?

A fence works for Korea and Israel for one reason only. If you breach the boundary you will be shot. Our Border Patrol, INS, National Guard and even state and local authorities are restrained from doing that.

We, as a caring and humane people, will not and should not allow invaders to be shot. So not only will a fence be breached, it will be torn down and laughed at quickly.

Robert Ward, Las Vegas
