Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Nevada overrun by illegal immigrants

The time to wake up and speak out on why the No Child Left Behind Act does not work is long past due. Money thrown at this failed policy, the additional schools, higher teacher salaries (although combat pay might be necessary in some areas), etc., are a waste because the root of the problem is illegal immigration. Our state, like California and Arizona to name but two , has been overrun by illegals who have little to no knowledge of English, American culture or the desire to learn these things. When an American speaks out on this issue, he/she is labeled a "racist," "hatemonger," etc.

Being politically correct is stifling the ability to teach American children and essentially handicaps the future of all our young citizens, regardless of their nationality. Those who support the lawlessness of illegal immigrants are doing more harm than good for those they wish to help. It is a felony to enter this country illegally, and those who aid and abet such activity are criminals as well . Amnesty is not the answer.

The resentment of the majority of American citizens, including those who came here legally from all over the world, is growing beyond measure. Our own government has chosen to ignore the laws regarding immigration. Should we be able to pick and choose which laws we will obey? Stop hiring and exploiting people for cheap labor and allow attrition to regain a sensible balance in the populations of all cultures and nationalities.

Judith Hannan, Silver Springs
