Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: Bush is liberal in all the wrong places

The definition of that dirty word "liberal" is not stingy. If that's the case, Bush is a liberal. He has never seen a bill that helps the rich that he doesn't like.

Bush is not stingy when it comes to sending our taxpayers' dollars over to Iraq, by the billions. He wants to rebuild Iraq, which he destroyed, and he is really liberal when it comes to giving our money to big oil companies and corporations, such as Halliburton, that cheat us blind.

He is liberal when it comes to spreading lies and giving away all of our freedoms in the name of national security. He is like a reverse Robbing Hood, er, I mean Robin Hood. He takes from the poor and middle class, and gives to the rich.

Bush was very liberal with Osama bin Laden - he gave him plenty of time to escape while we shocked and awed Iraq. So Bush is a liberal, just to the wrong people. He should try being as liberal to the American people as he is to his elite cronies, corporations and other corporate welfare recipients.

For the billions we've spent in Iraq and the other welfare to the rich we're financing, we could all have health care, a better economy for everyone, not just the rich. When you look at it, liberal is a dirty word.

James Witherspoon, Las Vegas
