Las Vegas Sun

May 19, 2024

Letter: America needs to hit terrorists hard

Americans are now living in fear. There is no doubt about it. After a series of attacks against Americans by terrorists over the past few years, 9/11 was the most horrible. They are at war with us and we are not even participating in it! Sept. 11 proved that they are capable of planning and executing successfully a complex and organized attack wherever and whenever they want, in my opinion.

Whatever we have done so far in response to their announced desire to kill us is inadequate. It is a certainty that they are now making plans for attacking us again. We must, therefore, change our response. Tell me please how often you would allow a bully to bash you without hitting back? And if he said that he was going to kill you, how many chances would you give him to succeed?

The answer is quite simple for America. We are not weaklings, are we?

Tell me what is wrong with making a promise to the U.N., our allies, the nations backing the terrorists and the terrorists themselves that: "If we Americans are hit again anywhere on our globe, we will not ask for help, we will not ask for permission. We will quickly respond without mercy against those responsible. If it means destroying cities, villages, caves, or whatever, we will do it."

Sam Chinkes, Las Vegas
