Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Letter: America an unsafe place with Bush in charge

Most Americans look at 9/11 as a tragic event, but the Bush administration looked upon it as an opportunity to gain power, ignore our laws, eliminate our system of checks and balances, and set new dangerous precedents.

Mr. Bush repeats a mantra about "keeping America safe." Ask the people in New Orleans how safe they felt while waiting for days on end for help to come. Mr. Bush couldn't even figure out how to get food and water to them, let alone rescue them from contaminated floodwater, or transport hospital patients to hospitals where they could receive medical help. How many people died from Mr. Bush's negligence?

If he can't keep anyone safe after a hurricane, how in the world does he intend to keep us safe from people who plan for years to do unthinkable attacks on America?

I certainly don't feel safe under the watch of Mr. Bush. His modus operandi is being AWOL.

Trudy Carlson, Henderson
