Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Don’t believe everything Democrats tell you

The Democrats complain about any and everything and deny truth.

The nation's economy is strong. Unemployment is down, productivity is up, and there is no inflation. Property values are leveling off and interest rates are really good.

In spite of stalls and obstructionism by Democrats in both the House and the Senate, our taxes are low and tax revenues are up. Salaries are up.

Democrats want to stall the Guantanamo issue about putting terrorists on trial as well as national security measures. One wonders, "How do they plan to blame these failures on Republicans?"

Social Security needs an overhaul, and the Democrats brag about stalling legislation to correct this issue. Just as they did all they could to stall the Patriot Act, then boasted of its passage, they will later act as if Social Security reform was their idea!

Now they say, "Return us to power, we'll straighten things out." Hah - sure they will. Just as soon as pigs fly !

Lee S. Gliddon Jr., North Las Vegas
