Las Vegas Sun

May 5, 2024

Letter: How is Imus worse than Chris Rock, rap?

I don't understand the furor over Don Imus' recent comments about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.

How is what Mr. Imus said any worse than the racial "jokes" from the likes of black comedian Chris Rock? Oh, yeah, right ... Mr. Imus is white and shouldn't be allowed to say things like that, while it's all fair game for Chris Rock and other black comedians.

And then there is rap music, heard daily on blaring boom boxes all over town, in which mostly black rappers "sing" lyrics espousing gang violence, drug use, violence against women and killing police officers. There's nothing wrong with that, right? Those who are demanding that Mr. Imus be fired need to get a grip.

Larry Fuss, Las Vegas
