Las Vegas Sun

May 6, 2024

Letter: U.S. sacrifices not appreciated by Iraqis

Those who still support the war in Iraq are holding on for dear life to the buzz words that have been their arguments, like "stay the course," "cut and run" and "embolden the enemy." More and more Americans are recognizing these words as arguments that are old hat and the truth is becoming more and more clear as this tragedy in Iraq unfolds.

One of the new arguments against bringing our troops home is that "it will give the message to the enemy that they have won." Who are they kidding? First of all, who is the enemy who will get that message?

We have sectarian fighting over there, which has been going on for centuries, we are told. The Iraqis object to the occupation of American troops just like the two kids who fight at school object to the teacher who breaks up the fight. The good guy becomes the enemy.

Many arguments center on our troops, our beloved soldiers. How can it be a sign of support for the troops to send them to be slaughtered? How can it be a sign of lack of support for the troops to bring them home to their families and loved ones from a situation that can't be won?

It is clear to me that the people in Iraq do not appreciate the sacrifices the American people have made in lives and tax dollars. It is clear to me that most of the rest of the world does not appreciate our efforts, either. I feel that we owe it to our troops and to the American people to make a plan to end this bloodbath in Iraq and to make it fast.

Ken Anderson, Las Vegas
