Las Vegas Sun

May 7, 2024

Letter: Administration fails to see biggest threat

For the nearly seven years of the Bush administration, the president and all his neocon friends have concentrated on the Middle East. That was because it contains the bulk of the world's oil and Bush and Cheney are oilmen. They started out with Teddy Roosevelt's motto, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

They could not wait to go to war and beat up on the little guy and grab the oil. What has our nation got to show for it? Look at what has resulted: national debt through the roof, and all the dead and wounded, both Americans and Iraqis. Our military is at its lowest readiness for bigger conflicts.

All the while this administration has ignored the real long-term threat, communist China. China has continued to build up a massive modern war machine, a machine capable of waging an intercontinental war.

But China can defeat us, the United States, without firing a shot. All it has to do is call in its IOUs. Then listen to the great rushing sound as the disappearing dollar results in the collapse of the American economic system. The dollar becomes worthless and the once great U.S.A. crumbles into ruins and is recorded in history as the "Rise and Fall of the American Nation."

Ray Harbert, Las Vegas
