Las Vegas Sun

May 18, 2024

Archive for December 16, 2007

Nevada roundtable
6:00 a.m.
Slots for a new generation
Years from now, slot machine players may wander into a casino and wonder if they've landed in a game arcade.
1:19 a.m.
Finally somebody said it. The dream of a Boulder City bypass - at a cost of at least $470 million - might never become reality.
1:19 a.m.
Jeff Simpson agrees with New Jersey's decision not to renew the license of the Tropicana there
But after reading the commission's opinion and order denying license renewal, I think New Jersey regulators made the right call.
1:19 a.m.
FLASHPOINT for Dec 16, 2007
With Gov. Jim Gibbons once again proposing mindless, across-the-board cuts, it's time to suggest another way that doesn't involve tax increases. It's time the governor appointed a Committee to Find Waste and Excessive Spending in ...
1:18 a.m.
Jon Ralston is awed by the levels of stubbornness, incompetence displayed by Gov. Jim Gibbons in his quest to keep his overarching campaign promise
And this decision - to cut the budget 4.5 percent and exempt almost nothing - contradicts his previous decision but somehow maintains the consistency of having no discernible logic, illuminating the Gibbons Lack of Administration's ...
1:18 a.m.
Editorial: Decimating state services
In October the governor unilaterally announced that he was directing state agencies to make plans to cut their budgets by 5 percent. At that time he exempted K-12 education, the Department of Corrections and the ...
1:18 a.m.
Editorial: Arizona's patchwork policy
Proponents of the law say it is intended to drastically limit the job market so that people will be less likely to enter the United States seeking better pay and a better quality of life. ...
1:18 a.m.
Editorial: A watered-down victory
Congressional Democrats nevertheless scored a victory. A major provision of the House bill - a mandate to improve auto fuel efficiency by 2020 - remained intact in the Senate bill.
1:18 a.m.
Letter: Water plan must include controlling growth
Gayle White's article, "Looks deceive: We're saving water," which appeared in the Las Vegas Sun on Wednesday, quoted Water Authority General Manager Pat Mulroy as saying, "Controlling growth is not an option" in the Water ...
1:18 a.m.
Letter: So now there's a rush to judgment?
Richard Spring, Henderson
1:17 a.m.
Letter: Party lines must be blurred to heal U.S.
This polarization must be shattered, and it can begin only when the voters of this nation make a leap of faith as they vote. American government will remain paralytic when voters adhere only to the ...
1:17 a.m.
Letter: CIA's excuse raises security questions
Aside from the obvious question of why this kind of evidence was destroyed, doesn't it bother anybody that the CIA doesn't possess the ability to trust its own security? Yet we put the agency in ...
1:17 a.m.
The Clark County School District's decision to evaluate itself isn't without risk.
1:16 a.m.
It was a mosaic of leather and reindeer antler headbands, tattoos, more leather and Santa hats as Third Street filled up with motorcycles and riders.
1:16 a.m.
Christmas, or something like it, is definitely in the air.
1:16 a.m.
In hindsight, Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley said, she should have spoken up about the new coal-fired power plant in Ely when Nevada Power came to her with the proposal.
1:16 a.m.
Budget shocks may not be the end
Budget cut, take four, and heads are shaking. Has Gov. Jim Gibbons figured it out yet? To be sure, his latest strategy to cut the state's distressed budget produced some sighs of relief Friday from ...
1:16 a.m.
Brian Greenspun sees Yucca foe in Clinton
I am going to date this column. It is Thursday and I have just finished watching the Democratic debate in Iowa. Since the polls tell us the race is tightening, the debates and then the ...
1:16 a.m.
Getting past the crises
The stresses facing the state are obvious to anyone who relies on public services. Public schools are chronically crowded and Nevada's universities struggle to achieve academic greatness. Highways are congested and social services - especially ...
1:15 a.m.
Republicans on Taxes
12:01 a.m.

21 stories