Las Vegas Sun

May 4, 2024

Letter: Helmet law erodes freedom of choice

Regarding the Las Vegas Sun's Feb. 15 editorial, "Using common sense":

The poets scream, "God, save us from our protectors," and sad to say, it also comes from the minds of most nonriders. I say yes to Sen. Bob Beers' move to stop Nevada's mandatory motorcycle helmet law. Why? Helmet laws, not helmets, will get you killed.

I have been a licensed rider for more than 40 years and have had my share of road rash, so I speak with some background. What all states should have is mandatory rider training and comprehensive skill training to teach new riders how to avoid the jerks and properly handle their machines. Riding a motorcycle is an exercise in freedom and our great nation was founded on the principles of freedom of choice.

Let the lawmakers demand intensive insurance coverage for riders if that makes the "burden theory" proponents happy. There are multiple detailed studies with the pros and cons of helmet use, even from doctors concerned over neck injury caused by helmets. I for one am proud to be a rider and an American, and I wish to remind everyone what we are losing little by little are many basic freedoms - choice being front and center.

Steve Raymond, Henderson
